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Youth Armory level 2: Greek xiphos sword

Youth Armory level 2: Greek xiphos sword

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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Each level 2 Youth armory sword is approximately 18" long and made from adirondack white pine.

Our toy wooden swords and shields are made with rounded corners and sturdy construction, sanded smooth to prevent splinters or scrapes. These are great for attending rennaisance faires or SCA events so that even the littlest warriors can feel like part of the action! Paint and decorate these blank arms as a fun activity and a personal touch!

For families and children with medieval or martial interests, these toy arms are great way to begin building respect and understanding of ancient weaponry.

These toy arms are suitable for children between the ages of 5 and 10. Parental supervision (and perhaps shin guards) is recommended.

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